Friday, October 13, 2017

Scott Barry Kaufman speaks to GPS on October 9 and 10 on "The Many Paths to Greatness"

Parents, administrator share takeaways from Many Paths to Greatness

The Glenbard Parent Series hosted Scott Barry Kaufman on October 9 at an event called The Many
Paths to Greatness: Intelligence and Creativity Re-examined. Glenbard West parent Joannie Ruhstorfer shared the following takeaway: "This was an enlightening talk about the amazing potential and ability of every mind. Dr. Kaufman encouraged parents to re-examine play, daydreams and failure. He shared great information about how every child can be successful by recognizing the whole person and encouraging/focusing on the individual's strengths, creativity and their "many paths to greatness".

Joannie Ruhstorfer with
Scott Barry Kaufman
Glenbard West parent Molly Hoerster also shared her takeaway: "The idea that IQ is a predictor of achievement is not only inadequate but disregards other important factors including intrinsic motivation, active learning strategies, self-control, emotional intelligence and a cognitively stimulating home environment. The positive psychology movement is upon us (thankfully) and promotes a definition of intelligence as the interplay of engagement with ability in the pursuit of personal goals (which are not all about achievement in the first place).  Creativity is another exciting and relevant factor that, if fostered properly, greatly increases openness to experience, which translates into enrichment in life"

Scott Barry Kaufman and Debra Cartwright

Kaufman also addressed Glenbard faculty on October 10. Debra Cartwright, Glenbard North assistant principal of student services, shared this takeaway: "Kaufman's definition of intelligence as "the dynamic interplay of engagement and abilities in pursuit of personal goals" offersa more holistic and accurate view of intelligence where abilities and disabilities can co-exist and all kinds of minds can live creative and fulfilling lives."
