Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Check out the experts quoted in this NYT article
 All are past GPS presenters!! 

White House Memo


As president, Barack Obama must contend with challenges of global importance. As a father, he potentially faces a home test: A two-week family vacation with teenage daughters.

Monday, December 29, 2014

National Drug Facts Week

GPS is a co-sponsor of Robert Crown Center's (RCC) Community Open House for National Drug Facts Week Celebration, Saturday January 31, 2015 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The event will be a great opportunity for you, your child, your students, your business and your community to build awareness of substance abuse risks and the disease of addiction.

RCC will be hosting:
  •  In My Shoes, an art installation by teens in recovery at Rosecrance.In My Shoes will be joined by area middle school artists who add their own shoe stories to the exhibit. For background on the traveling exhibit In My Shoes please click here.
  •  Hidden in Plain Sight, a mock teenage bedroom by LEAD that contains over 100 items that may indicate a child at risk. For more information about LEAD, please click here.
  • Free mini prevention presentations from professional health educators, combating addiction to tobacco, alcohol, prescription pain pills, and heroin.
  • Health Risks for Athletes: The 3-Point Advantage for Athletes room, sponsored by the American Medical Association. Injury and pain management are a reality in athletics. Learn the scientific facts and risks associated with the use of prescription pain pills.
  • Video screening room to feature cutting edge documentaries for and by teens about substance abuse prevention.
For more information about this event, please call 630-325-1900 or visit robertcrown.org.