Drug Facts Week begins this week, Jan. 25-31
Drug Facts Week will be observed from Jan. 25 to Jan. 31 in DuPage County with educational events for parents, educators and other community members. Among the highlights will be speeches (all free) by a national expert who will explain teen behavior and what takes place in a teen’s brain.
The focus of Drug Facts Week is educating youth and parents (using science) and shattering the myths that surround teens who are tempted to use drugs and alcohol.
Sponsoring the events are the DuPage County Prevention Leadership Team (PLT), the Robert Crown Center and the Glenbard Parents Series.
PLT and Robert Crown are partnering to develop and market a drug facts conversation guide for parents. A copy of this guide is found HERE
The PLT is also partnering with the Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) to bring in a national behavior expert, Dr. Laurence Steinberg, to speak to parents, educators and health professionals about myth-shattering research-based information on the capacity of the teenage brain. Steinberg will also provide insights on the links between brain development and decision-making and risk-taking in adolescence.
Steinberg will speak on Jan. 26 and 27. All presentations are free:
- Jan. 26—Steinberg speaks at 7 p.m. at the College of DuPage McAninch Arts Center. No registration required. Info found at Glenbard Parent Series web site
- Jan. 27—Steinberg speaks at 8 a.m. at the DuPage County Health Department, 111 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT. Register by visiting www.dupagePLT.org and clicking on the events tab.
- Jan. 27—Steinberg speaks at noon at the Community Consolidated School District 93, located at 230 Covington Drive, Bloomingdale.
- For more information on Drug Facts Week and the Drug Facts Week conversation guide, please visit Robert Crown (website) or www.dupagePLT.org
A free webinar will be held on Jan. 28 or Feb. 2 titled, “Emerging Teen Drug Trends
and Treatment Options”. You can learn more and register for this webinar by
clicking this link: http://recovergateway.org/professional-resources/CEU-Webinars/?hq_e=el&hq_m=961683&hq_l=4&hq_v=fe51b7cb49