Don't miss three special events by Dr. Michael
“How to Raise Responsible and
Confident Teens “
7:00 p.m.
Glenbard South Auditorium
“The Pressured Student: Adolescence is Hard
Tuesday, Sept 16
12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
District #15 Marquardt Administration
“Coming to Grips with Girl Overachievement
and (Relative) Boy Underachievement“
Tuesday, Sept 16
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Glenbard West Library
Dr. Michael Thompson is a superstar among elite parent - speakers and the author of several New York Times best selling books including Rising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, Best Friends/Worst Enemies: Understanding the Social Worlds of Children and the Pressured Child: Helping Your Child Achieve Success in School and in Life. An international consultant and highly sought after speaker specializing in children and families, Dr. Thompson has made numerous appearances on the Today Show, the Oprah Show, and CBS’ 60 Minutes.
In these important GPS programs, participants will discover strategies for successful communication, and the proven methods of parenting that produce the most competent teens. Follow the psychological journey that children experience as they negotiate and manage their school careers, and learn how the wisest adults can best help them on their way.